
MDF Wood Prints
Canvas Prints
Acrylic Prints

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Why book your Newborn Photoshoot with Unforgettable Moments Photography???

Never again you won’t be able to capture images of your baby’s first few weeks of life. Never again they will be so tiny, sleepy and curly. Don’t let it slip away without capturing those wonderful moments.

Newborn pictures are best taken in their first 6-14 days of life (no later than 12 weeks after your baby was born). Sessions are aimed at capturing snugly poses, details, and a bond between the baby, parents, and siblings. I have all props and accessories needed for the photoshoot, hats, outfits, little toys, blankets and wraps. I can also incorporate small, personal items, so please bring them with you.

Parents can choose between ”Standard” ( more colourful, reach ) or plain (”Simply White” or ”Boho” Style set up)

Full session lasts from 2 & 3 hours (with all breaks needed for feeding, cuddling and nappy changing) I will put a lot of effort to make as many changes as possible, but please be aware, all babies are different, it all depends on how calm and sleepy they are on the day of the shoot. I usually start with a beanbag, fabric posing, move into a prop and family pictures towards the end. Colours and arrangements can be discussed on the phone or in person. The session should be booked while you are still pregnant.

What to bring:

  • baby essentials 
  • plenty of baby food and nappies
  • moisturiser if baby has flaky skin
  • short sleeve top for yourselves
  • clothes change for yourselves, just in case 
  • small personal items like crochet blanket or a teddy